[ARCHIVED] Why do all my students get an F in an assignment

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If i post an assignment for online submission, for a letter grade, will the students automatically get an F grade if there is no submission after the due date?

This appears to be happening, and I am hoping to understand what is causing the F grade to appear.

Thank you

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @jknowlton  - On the surface, this sounds like you have a late policy in place, since this simply should not be happening otherwise.  First, click the settings icon (the sprocket thingy) on the upper-right part of the gradebook and check under the Late Policies tab.  Before you do or undo anything, however, be sure to check over How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the Gradebook? for how it affects past submissions, etc., though in your case this sounds like it may be a good thing if you undo it!  But this should have been created in course by someone (Designer??  TA???) since the default setting is to not have one at all.  You may have to do a bit of detective work on your end, but that's likely causing the issue.

Hope this helps a bit, Joe.

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