[ARCHIVED] dashboard isn't showing up

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Hello  @0611139800  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thanks for posting your question.  I'm not exactly sure what "gg" means (other than I've seen it used as "good game" in the video game world), but let's see if we can answer your question about the Dashboard...

What web browser are you using to access Canvas?  If you are not using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, I would highly recommend that you switch to one of those browsers.  Which browsers does Canvas support?‌  Also, make sure that your browser version is up-to-date.  If neither of those browsers are able to display your courses correctly, then I would recommend that you reach out to the Canvas Help Desk folks to see if they can help.

I hope these resources will be of help to you, Emily.  Please let Community members know if we can be of further help with this...thanks!

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