[ARCHIVED] iOS Browser Failure when Recording Video

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When using iOS version (any version that I have handy, from 15.3 to 14.7.1), iPad or iPhone, using Safari, Chrome, or the ClassLink app to browser, when I am in a discussion post and I want to reply using the camera to make a video, the video tool dies and returns to the browser.

Login to Canvas, go to course, then to discussion post, and tap Reply.
Slide the toolbar over to select Record/Upload Media, then tap Upload/Record Media.
Switch to Record, then start recording.
Following the 3,2,1 countdown, the window closes and returns to the reply text box.

Video of the issue is larger than 5MB, so linking it here:  https://yorkk12scus-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/tcooper_york_k12_sc_us1/EZylzeh2vFxHmEn5XWM5CtY...

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @tcooper1 -

I'm sorry that students are experiencing this with discussions on iOS devices. Have you reached out to Canvas Support? I think they'd be a great resource for you! They'd also be able to better diagnose what's causing the error. If other schools have reported the same problem, Support will be able to link your ticket to the others and provide an update as soon as it's available.

How do I contact Canvas Support? 

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