[ARCHIVED] imscc files

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i want to export course content fr@m a free account to a paid acct but my computer is not recognizing imscc files. i have windows 2016. how can i download this program?

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1 Solution
Community Champion


The IMSCC file is not anything you can run on your computer. It's a data file that contains content that is understood by learning management systems such as Canvas. There is no program that you need to download and install, editing is done in the LMS. All you are doing with your computer is using it for storage between the download and upload sessions.

You want to download it from your free account and you upload it to your paid account.

Here are two lessons from the Canvas Instructor Guide related to the process.

The notes at the top of the first lesson repeat what I'm saying:

Exports are packaged as IMSCC ZIP files, which can only be opened by programs that support Common Cartridge files. You can also change the extension from .imscc to .zip and treat it as any other ZIP file.

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