[ARCHIVED] marking a submission that is a text entry

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I can mark up a submission that is an upload of a picture of the student's work but when they do a text entry submission the mark up tools do not appear.  

Can I mark up a text entry submission?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Hi  @johnsok2  and welcome to the Community!  Currently one cannot annotate a text entry submission in docviewer/Speedgrader as indicated in this document, How do I grade a text entry submission in SpeedGrader? 

The idea has come up a number of times in the past but all that I have found except one have been archived for lack of support.  This idea is still open, https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/15527-docviewer-in-text-entries" modifiedtitle="true" title="D....  I voted for the feature and you may want to as well.  The more support the better!

I hope this helps...

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