[ARCHIVED] share item bank to course: courses drop down, distinguish between courses with the same name

Community Participant

When looking up my course to share an item bank with, to give all teachers permissions, I get an entry for each year the course was organised, but without indication of the year.

How do I pick the course for the current year, between all these identical items?

Is it possible to add the year to the course name in the selection list, just like it is shown in the courses main menu?

If I will copy this course contents to the next year, will the next year course also get access to the item bank? If the feature of adding permissions through a course is to be useful, it should be possible to copy this along.

thanks in advance!

2022-03-10 12_05_09-Test on M1, M2 and M3 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser — Mozilla Firefox.png

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