Adding students

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Community Novice

If you have added a group of students to one course, then have created another course that you want to add the same group of students to, is there a way to do this without typing in individual student emails and names?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi  @mondaj . You can allow self-enrollment by using a "join code" that is sent out to students, but then you have to wait on them to take action to be enrolled in the course. Aside from adding them on the People page as you have already done with this course, another way that students can be enrolled into courses is with an "SIS Import" which is something a Canvas administrator at your school would have access to. There are resources here in the Community for admins that explain how to format a CSV file with student and course information so that the enrollments happen in batches without the need for teachers to add them one by one. For the sake of completeness, I will also mention that enrollments can be done with the Canvas API, but that takes some experiencing writing and using code to automate manual actions.

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