Hi @elaine3 nd welcome to the Canvas Community.
You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed when dealing with composite classes and in K-6 where you teach most curriculum areas. Teachers really are amazing.
A good place to start is with a template. Commons has a few to choose from.
I've been overwhelmed with composite classes too, but if you have your curriculum areas set up in Canvas then you can group students according to their needs quite easily.
I found that having a 'context for study' ties the curriculum needs of multiple grades together nicely. Kills more than one bird with one stone, makes learning authentic, makes real connections to other areas of the curriculum, keeps you sane.
For example 'Our world of patterns' included all curriculum areas and meant that I could adjust according to different needs in the class.
Here are the ideas we incorporated (grade 3/4/5 unit):
Patterns in Literacy
Codes, Rhymes, Maze stories, Shape Poems, Spelling patterns, other languages,
Patterns in Numeracy
Time, Money, Mazes, Codes, Symmetry, Rotations, Algebra, Maps
Patterns in HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Flags, Maps, Tides, Costumes, Symbols, Dance, Uniforms, Songs form other cultures, History of Aus Currency...
Patterns in Science
Ice/Snow/Desert/Ocean/Earth patterns, Natural and man-made changes to the Earth's surface patterns, Crystals, Tides, Winds, Animal Camouflage, Microscopes, Heat waves, Elements and atoms, Animal symmetry, Fractals, Constellations, Patterns in our bodies, finger prints, blood cells...
Spirograph for a bit of arty maths.
High Tech Option
Collaborate with your group to create and collate an iMovie about patterns.
Create a pattern installation that is interactive.
Use Scratch to create a sequence to teach other learners about a pattern of your choice.
Design a pattern that can be made into a stamp for a continuous pattern stamp using the 3D printer.
Low Tech Option
Use your iPad to collect and organise a variety of patterns.
Create a variety of patterns using the apps on Canvas.
Create a padlet to survey your audience.
Participate in the class online brainstorm
No Tech Option
Create a variety of patterns using class equipment.
Sketch patterns from around the school
Collect pattern ideas
Write a pattern poem
Patterns in The Arts
Dance, choreography, marching, Pattern Artists - Escher, Mondrian, Mugwumps, Art Installations, Knitting, print making, tapa cloth, form drawings...
Patterns in Technology
Building designs, Bridge designs, Invent a pattern game using Scratch, Use apps to create patterns...
Patterns in Health and PE
Consider rules of sports, scoring systems that use patterns, Create a game involving patterns, ball skills using patterns, movement sequences, affect of exercise on our bodies - lungs, cells, brain., Values: Creativity, collaboration, respect, resilience, excellence.
If this feels too big, start with a template, then focus on one learning area at a time. Make the most of different ways to group students by assigning different tasks to different groups. If you need more detail about this then sing out.

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