Embedded Google Sheets Missing a Row

Community Member

I successfully embedded a Google Sheet on a Canvas page.  It is actually a calendar I made for my staff as "View only".  However, the top row with the month (e.g. September) does not appear.  Do you know why?  This is my code :

<p><iframe title="SDT/Collaborative Planning 2019-2020" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSe0zYhypGI95JsPP8TTf-Gdw0b6z7oHWdfrxcpi9laTmFx6YPUm..." width="940" height="1130" allow="autoplay *"></iframe></p>


This is the Google Sheet.318170_Screenshot 2019-07-22 at 1.37.18 PM.png


But this is how it looks embedded in Canvas.  Notice how "September" or C5 cell is missing.


318171_Screenshot 2019-07-22 at 1.39.03 PM.png

I need to solve this problem.  Please help!  
Thank you!

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