How can I present multiple pages to student at once?

Community Explorer

We just migrated to Canvas and I am very frustrated that the nice modular pages that came from our old LMS can only be viewed one-at-a-time.  Perhaps there's a feature that will allow me to do this.

I have an 'orientation' module for students that interleaves a lot of introductory information with some key pages carrying info they'll need again and again.  These pages are very brief and it's silly that students have to go through multiple clicks when it's stuff I want to jump out at them on the home page.

It is certainly undesirable to go copying material from multiple pages into another page.

If I could set a module to present the content of the pages it contains, rather than linked titles, that would help a lot.  But no joy there either.

Can someone tell me if this can be done, and how?

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