Integrate Khan Academy into Canvas.

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Community Novice

I would like to integrate the full function of Khan Academy in my Canvas. This would include their comprehensive practice, quizzes, and progression tracking tool. Has anybody in the Canvas community had experience with this, and what do you suggest?

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Community Member

I like the idea of adding Khan Academy into Canvas, but I wonder if there's clarity on what exactly that integration looks like. For example, we can already link to Khan Academy on Canvas fairly easily. Are we looking to add Khan Academy progress to the Gradebook? This could cause a bit of turmoil, as Khan Academy progress wouldn't be tied to a school account. 

Linking to KA seems like an excellent idea, and I think we could work on expanding ways to make that easier or create awareness- what further integration is being discussed here? 

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Community Explorer

I came across this thread last spring looking for a way to make this work. Unfortunately, Khan Academy's API is non-existent anymore making a direct integration difficult. So, since last spring I've been working on making a way to make the two communicate as best as possible. I developed an application built on a Google spreadsheet that reads in Khan Academy CSV files and automatically sends the scores to your Canvas grade book. It does take a little bit to set up because it needs a way to match students in Khan and Canvas. The link below will take you to a website that has the spreadsheet and extensive documentation on it and how to set it up. I linked a demo video below to see it in action. Hope it helps someone! Feel free to report any bugs to me.



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