Is there a way to see analytics for each page/assignment?

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I have informational pages in my courses, and I'd like to see how many times each was viewed. It's not as important to me to know who looked at it as it is to know how many unique viewers there were and how long they stayed. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing? 

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi megscott Welcome to the Canvas Community. You ask a good question and one that many folks have wondered about.  To start, here are a couple of pages from the online instructor's guide to help you get started:

But, thanks to Community Genius  @James ‌ (not his official title, but it should be), here is Canvancements - Canvas Enhancements‌ that he wrote called Obtaining and using Access Report data for an entire course .  Once you obtain the proper browser plugins--and assuming you are comfortable looking at a spreadsheet--it is extremely easy to use and works like a charm.

HOWEVER, "how long they stayed," as you request, is not--I don't believe--one of the items generated on the report, and even if it was it should not be trusted.  I could stay on a Canvas page for a long time while deciding to brew a cup of coffee or being distracted by other things open on a different browser tab.  It is simply not a really, really reliable indicator of things.  But if you can live without that, I think you will find James' script a wonderful way to view all other activity going on it your course site.

I hope this helps a bit, Megan!

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