You can make a feature request. Start with How does the feature idea process work in the Canvas Community?
If I had to put on my prognosticator hat, this won't happen -- at least not any time soon. It isn't a change to blueprint courses as much as a change to the way the Rich Content Editor works. It would have to support templates and make part of the page editable but not other parts. Currently, the entire page is combined and people can view the HTML so they can change anything that you have on the page.
My recommendation is that you need to learn to trust your faculty. That happens with education about how to edit appropriately and the importance of leaving things the way they are. Many schools use templates successfully even without blueprint courses.
The other thing you can do is to get into a battle with the faculty and see who tires first. Through the Canvas API, you can fetch the contents of a page or assignment and scan it for what should be in there. If it's not in there, then you could replace the bad content with the desired content and then send it back into Canvas. This can all be done through scripting so it can run once a week (or once a day or once every five minutes). Eventually, the instructor will give up trying to change it.
With Canvas Live Events, I believe you can set up a queue to be notified whenever content changes, so you could set it up to run whenever the instructor changes the page.
Of course, you would need to be careful to make sure that you didn't destroy the content of the page because of a programming error 
Getting faculty to work on the same side as you is a lot more productive than trying to fight with them over something.
Another possibility is to break things up and have one page for content that doesn't change (locked in the blueprint master course) and one page that the instructor can customize. I realize that's not ideal, I just mention it as a possibility.
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