Show Average Score for Each Quiz Attempt

Community Explorer

(I tried to post this earlier but I am not sure if it went through)

I have a quiz with two attempts set to take the average score. In quiz statistics, can I see the average score for each of the two attempts?

I read this in the guide: If a student had multiple assignment attempts, you can view past attempts in SpeedGrader. Quiz stats will only display the kept score for the student (highest score or latest score). To view the score setting for multiple attempts, edit your quiz and view the multiple attempts settings option. If necessary, you can give your students an extra attempt.

1. Does this mean that in "quiz statistics" it is only showing me either the highest score or the latest score?

2. I think the sentence "to view the score setting for multiple attempts..." answers my question, but I don't understand what the solution is - edit my quiz and view the multiple attempts settings option??




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