essay question answer key

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Is there a way to write up an essay answer, like a rubric guide, so that as I'm grading I can look at the key points the student needs to address in their answer. I did this in my paper tests. I would always write an answer key, with the short answer question ideal response written in bulleted points.

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there,  @jsdowd2  Thank You for posting your question.  The only thing I am aware of is the "general answer comment" that you can provide your students for an essay question within a quiz.  How do I create an Essay quiz question?  But, I'm not sure this is exactly what you are going for...especially if you do not want your students to see that feedback upon submitting the quiz to you.  (See the section on "Edit Essay Question Details" in the Guide that I linked.)  You may need to create a separate file (such as a Word document) and have that open while you are grading.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @jeffrey_dowd ‌, you'll be happy to know that Grading Notes for essay questions is already available in Quizzes.Next, so it's it's not necessary to create a new feature idea for this. Please refer to How do I create an Essay question in Quizzes.Next? Grading notes display to instructors next to the question as a reference to help grade student responses.

Instructors can start trying out Quizzes.Next by enabling the feature in the Feature Options section of their course settings. Enabling Quizzes.Next in a course doesn't transform existing quizzes; the two tools are used side-by-side. If you don't see that option available, Jeff, please reach out to your school's Canvas admin for additional guidance. 

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