using the canvas API as a student for announcements

Community Member

quick note: I am a student.

I want to be able to get canvas announcement notifications for my classes into a discord server I am in. So, I am currently trying to find a way to use the API to get a list of notifications in json or html format so I can pass that along to a discord bot I made to send them to my discord server. 

a quick google search for the canvas api led to to this page: Announcements - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation (

So, I tried using the example request they gave at the bottom to get some response but whenever I run the curl command in a linux terminal, nothing happens. I ran curl with "-v" and it shows that I got a http 200 code so it should be working but I get no output after running the command without the "-v"

here is what I ran:
curl '[]=course_119111&access_token=mytoken'

^ I replaced mytoken with the token from generating a token in my user profile settings whithin canvas. 

Every time I tried using the authorization bearer thing from the documentation, i get an error in curl so i did not include that part. 


what do i need to do to get the output of a list of announcements for my class into the terminal?

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