Thinking and Making Not Copying and Pasting - Playing with ChatGPT

Community Coach
Community Coach

I thought I'd try to leverage Chat GPT (v3.5) to help me make some interactive web based resources that I could embed in Canvas pages.

I have very little knowledge of coding and certainly no JavaScript skills, but I reckon that ChatGPT can do the heft whilst I guide it in the right direction with a bit of human intelligence.

Have a read about my progress in a few blog posts over in K12 Groups:

Making a Task ChecklistCreating Embedded Task Checklists with ChatGPT - U... - Instructure Community - 607125 (

Making A Family Feuds Game - More Game Design (and Making) with ChatGPT - Our S... - Instructure Community - 606967 (

Treasure Hunt BingoBringing AI into Canvas (well, using ChatGPT to cr... - Instructure Community - 606714 (

Choosing an Idea (Squash ladder)Finding the Best Idea - Another AI Generated Inter... - Instructure Community - 607687 (

Pairs Game MakerMaking a Pairs Game with... (you know who)! - Instructure Community - 607860 (


Do get in touch if you have tried similar and would like to share...