Trust Account User Roles and Expectations


A trust relationship allows one Canvas account to trust another Canvas account and allows users to be enrolled in both places. Learn more about trust accounts


A person with a login and user profile in at least one Canvas account. With multiple Canvas accounts, the person has a separate login and user profile for each account. However, the login and profile may contain identical information, such as the same email address used as login credentials.
Merged User A user with multiple Canvas accounts merged together to use one profile. For each Canvas account, the user’s login may be unified by a central authentication system or retained individually through Canvas authentication.
Login A username and password tied to a specific Canvas account used for login credentials. A login must be unique to a user and is required to authenticate a specific Canvas account. However, a user may have the same username (such as an email address) or password as login credentials for multiple accounts.
Trust Link A virtual link between two Canvas accounts. The trust link goes in one direction from one canvas account to another. However, the interface does not indicate a trust is present.
Canvas Account A Canvas configuration with a unique URL (i.e. For the purpose of trusts, Canvas accounts do not refer to subaccounts.
Integration ID                                 A secondary identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations. An integration ID can be used for a user without affecting the user’s SIS ID.


User Roles and Expectations

The tables below indicate intended behaviors regarding various activities and user roles for trust accounts.

✔️ indicates the behavior is supported

✔️* indicates the behavior is supported with caveats as explained in the table

✖️ indicates the behavior is not supported



User with at least 1 enrollment across trust

Merged user with at least 1 enrollment across trust

View Courses in Dashboard across Trust                                                                              ✔️ ✔️
View Courses in Mobile Device across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Course To Do List items across Trust ✖️ ✖️
View Files in Mobile Devices across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Calendar across Trust ✖️


Not shown in mobile, but events can be viewed within individual courses

View Conversations across Trust ✔️ ✔️
Message Users across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Branding across Trust


Displays home account branding; accessing a course in the trusted account shows trust branding


Displays branding within account login URL

View User Settings across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View ePortfolio Attachments across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Push Notifications across Trust ✖️ ✖️
Supports Secondary Login (Pseudonym) ✖️ ✔️



  • Creating a student in both accounts with the same integration ID does not generate a prompt to merge the student.
  • When the student is merged within an individual account, neither account was made the home or deleted account.




User with at least 1 enrollment across trust

Merged user with at least 1 enrollment across trust
View Courses in Dashboard across Trust                                                               ✔️ ✔️
View Courses in Mobile Device across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Files in Mobile Devices across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Calendar across Trust ✖️


Not shown in mobile, but events can be viewed within individual courses

View Conversations across Trust ✔️ ✔️
Message Users across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Branding across Trust


Displays home account branding; accessing a course in the trusted account shows trust branding


Displays branding within account login URL

View User Settings across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View ePortfolio Attachments across Trust ✔️ ✔️
View Push Notifications across Trust ✖️ ✖️
View Account-Level Outcomes ✖️ ✔️
View Rubrics across Trust ✔️ ✔️
Supports Secondary Login (Pseudonym) ✖️ ✔️




Home Account

Secondary Account

View Provisioning Report—Enrollments CSV                                          


View enrollments for courses located within account login URL, including users that have been merged to secondary account


View enrollments for courses located within account login URL, including users that have been merged to home account

View Provisioning Report—Users CSV


View user data for students merged to secondary account if a student still has one enrollment in the secondary account


View user data for students merged to home account if a student still has one enrollment in the home account

View Page Views


View page views for all accounts, except for submission details


View page views for all accounts, except for submission details


Cannot view trusted course from home account

View Courses across Trust Accounts ✖️ ✖️
View User Details


Can view users merged to another account if they are still enrolled in a course in the account


Can view users merged to another account if they are still enrolled in a course in the account

View Course & Student Analytics for Merged Users ✔️ ✔️
Supports Secondary Login (Pseudonym) ✖️ ✔️
Act As User ✔️ ✖️


Logins CSV

The logins.csv can often be used in trust accounts, especially when cross-listing or merging users. This section includes notes for successful usage for the logins.csv within trust accounts.

  • The root_account field is required when cross-listing users across accounts within a trust account.
  • The integration_id should be left blank when merging users that have matching integration IDs.
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