[ARCHIVED] Changing student password

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I've managed to the password for a student in a course, and I was able to do it for quite some time, till today.

I'm logged in as the main admin, but when i try to change the password, I get this error:

"You do not have sufficient privileges to make the change requested"

What am I missing?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @bicets , sorry that your question has gone unanswered for so long! Have you figured out what the issue was? The only thing I can think of is that your permissions might have been changed. Is there a Canvas Admin at your school who has higher level permissions than you do? If so, then I would start by checking with that person. If that person didn't do anything or if you are the highest level Canvas Admin at your school, then I would contact Canvas Support to see if they can help troubleshoot this.


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