Outcomes/rubrics are not accessible in older courses

Community Champion

I have faculty members trying to go back to their old Canvas courses to see what outcomes and rubrics they were using, and in courses that have been term-concluded (i.e. it is past the date for teachers to have edit privileges), the Outcomes screen is mostly blank (although there is a residue of the frame that should be there).

What I see as an admin:


What the teacher sees:



1. Are outcomes/rubrics just something that teachers get locked out of once their term access has ended?

2. Is this new behavior (I'm told teachers used to be able to go back into older courses and see this info)?

3. Are there any workarounds, besides re-opening the course by changing the end date?

Despite not being able to SEE the old rubrics, teachers are able to copy them from old courses into new ones. But outcomes are a different story.

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