12 Days of Credentials: Day 10 How Can Institutions Be More Resilient in the Face of Change?


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It is predicted that by 2030, almost 50% of jobs will become obsolete. This frightening fact, along with an already present skills gap and declining trends in enrollment for undergraduate and graduate programs is the wake-up call that is influencing our increasing number of Higher Ed Credentials clients.

This new era requires upskilling and reskilling to meet the demands in the workforce. The focus has shifted from 4 year degrees to competency-based education. Higher Ed institutions are investing in upskilling learning opportunities and finding ways to support professionals starting or returning to academics.  These opportunities provide the best return on investment and allow for learner flexibility. Not to mention, in a society where people thrive on instant gratification, earning these skills based credentials seems way more achievable than a 4 year degree.  

Competency-based education is helping to reverse the recent enrollment declines that many colleges and universities have seen in recent years. The BIG questions from clients jumping into the Credentials arena are:

  • “How do we validate the mastery of skills achievement in a meaningful and equitable way?” I had a client last week ask the question, 
  • “How do we maximize the value of these badges? We don’t want to just give a sticker to everyone.” 

The answer to these questions is , Higher Ed institutions need to work directly with industry partners. This will help identify what skills/competencies they are looking for in terms of employability. With this valuable information, institutions can create and offer applicable credentialing pathways.

To bring the skills and badges together, Canvas Credentials has partnered with Lightcast, who utilizes jobs data to help employers make more informed talent acquisition and talent management decisions.  Directly within Canvas Credentials, you can access Lightcast and take advantage of the vast skill library to highlight programs and empower learners. With growing interest in non-degree and skills-focused training programs, this powerful combination of solutions will ensure high-quality, stackable programs designed to upskill and reskill workers by combining online certificates, industry certifications, apprenticeships and micro-credentials.

These skills are what connect people to training and, ultimately, to employment.