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Catalog Release Notes (2024-01-08)

Catalog Release Notes (2024-01-08)

In this Catalog release (January 8), the Tags page allows admins to view and manage tags directly through the admin console. Additionally, admins can associate a single listing with multiple catalogs. Also, Cross Listing and Tags permissions are added to Subcatalog Admins settings. And, the new Listings page is available to provide Catalog admins with an improved experience.

Canvas Catalog is an all-in-one learning solution that integrates with the Canvas LMS as a course registration system, payment gateway, and learning platform. Learn more about Canvas Catalog.


New Features


Tags Page


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability



The Tags page allows admins to view and manage tags directly through the admin console. Previously, tags could only be managed via the API.

Note: Subcatalog admins can manage tags if permissions are enabled for their account.




The Tags page allows admins and subcatalog admins to quickly and conveniently add, edit, or remove tags. 




Users can add new tags via the Create Tag field.




The Available Tags field allows users to search for tags.




Tag details display the tag name, the listings in which the tag is assigned, and options to edit or delete the tag. 


Catalog Cross Listing


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability



Admins can associate a single listing with multiple catalogs. This update allows users to access the same content without having to recreate and manage the content in multiple places.




In the Listing Edit page, the Also visible in the following Catalogs drop-down menu allows users to select catalogs to associate with the listing in addition to the primary catalog.


  • All revenue continues to go to the primary catalog.
  • Subcatalog admins with permissions can access the Cross Listing feature.


Subcatalog Admins Permissions


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability



Cross Listing and Tags permissions are added to Subcatalog Admins settings. This update allows admins to easily manage subcatalog permissions to post cross listings and add and manage tags.




By default, access to post cross listings is turned off and add and manage tags is turned on for all subcatalog admins.

Click the Cross listings toggle to manage cross listing permissions.

Click the Tags toggle to manage tagging permissions.


Listings Page Improvements


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability



The new Listings page is available to provide Catalog admins with an improved experience.




This improved experience provides admins with improved listing details, search functionality, and bulk options. 




Each listing displays the listing name (with the listing ID), listing primary catalog, subcatalogs in which the listing also appears, listing order, enrollment count, visibility status, and enrollment status. 




Click the Show Actions button when bulk managing listings to open the Actions tray.


Change Log


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