Catalog Release Notes (2025-03-10)
Release notes outline upcoming customer-impacting changes that are expected to be displayed in production environments. Please note that features considered for future development are not included in the notes.
Canvas Catalog is an all-in-one learning solution that integrates with the Canvas LMS as a course registration system, payment gateway, and learning platform. Learn more about Canvas Catalog.
Unless otherwise noted, all features in this release are available in the Beta environment on 2025-02-11 and the Production environment on 2025-03-10.
Update Features |
Legacy Homepage: Improved Screen Reader Accessibility for Listings
For Screen Reader users, listing names are a clickable link. Previously, screen readers interpreted each search result as a single clickable link, which included all listing details—such as the course name, description, and metadata—within one interactive element.
Change Benefit
This change improves accessibility by making only the listing name a clickable link, which enhances clarity and usability for screen reader users. By reducing unnecessary clickable elements, it prevents confusion and ensures a more intuitive navigation experience. Additionally, this update aligns with WCAG 2.1 success criteria 4.1.2 (Name, Role, Value), which requires that user interface components be clearly defined and conveyed to assistive technologies.
Customization Impact
If customizations rely on the current structure of the legacy homepage, updates may be required to ensure compatibility with the new accessibility improvements. Please review and test customizations accordingly.
Legacy Homepage: Search Field Accessibility Enhancements
In the search field on the legacy homepage, the search input is placed within a ‘search’ region.
Change Benefit
This update improves the semantic structure of the search input, making it easier for screen readers to identify and navigate. By placing the input within a designated ‘search’ region, assistive technologies can more accurately interpret its purpose, leading to a smoother and more efficient experience for users who rely on screen readers.
Additionally, this update aligns with WCAG 2.1 success criteria 3.3.2 (Labels or Instructions), which ensures that interface elements provide clear guidance and context, reducing confusion and improving overall accessibility.
Customization Impact
If customizations depend on the previous HTML structure around the search field, updates may be necessary to maintain compatibility.
Change Log