[ARCHIVED] Commons in open source

Community Member

Hello there,

I'm developing the open source stable version of Canvas and I want to install "Commons" tool in my instance.

I went through all steps in here https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Commons-Users/How-do-I-set-up-self-hosted-Canvas-Commons/ba-p/251... 

and when it comes to "authorize commons key", it returns with 

{"errors":[{"msg":"Token request failed using oauth code. Error: undefined","error":"Token request failed using oauth code. Error: undefined"}]}

I don't know if this configuration is only for the self hosted or not, but since it supposed to be supported in the open source based on https://github.com/instructure/canvas-lms/wiki/FAQ#are-there-any-code-differences-between-the-open-s... that commons is not one of the differences

Thanks in advance.   

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