[ARCHIVED] Copy a Single item from a Commons Module

Community Explorer

Hi!  Our institution has just transitioned to Canvas, and we are trying to effectively use the Commons to share department policies with all faculty in our department.  We've created a module that contains 10 or so items that may be useful to instructors and shared them to the commons.  Many instructors only need one or two of those 10 items (many are course-specific).  Is there a way for faculty to just import those one or two items into their courses?  It seems like they can only import the entire module, which clutters up their course.

One possibility seems to be to share each item in the module as a separate item in Commons but this is a) more work on my end and b) harder for instructors to locate each of those individual pages/files that are floating around than if they are all in the same folder.  

Do you have any suggestions on being able to copy/import specific items from a Commons module into a course?

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