12 Days of Credentials: Governance Policy


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Governance is a process that develops the framework or hierarchy of an institution’s credentials program. It is essential because it helps establish uniformity and consistency in managing badges across an organization. Here are a few suggestions of what institutions should consider when developing a governance policy:

Taxonomy: This involves categorizing badges obtained by learners. What type of badges can learners earn?

  • Badge classification: skills-based, participation, competency, completion, or certification. 
  • Badge issuers: Who will issue badges at your institution? Canvas credentials allow organizations to have multiple issuers and not be limited to one group. 
    • Examples: Departments, individual faculty, colleges, etc.

Badge Design Guidelines: Define who will own the design of badges. 

  • What elements must be consistent: colors, shapes, icons, logs, etc?

Assessment Guidelines: Determine if learners must undergo assessments to earn a badge.

  • How will learners demonstrate mastery? 

Skills Alignment: Decide if badges align with individual skills or broader competencies. 

  • Skills define specific abilities an individual develops through learning, training, practice, or experience. 
  • Competencies are broader and encompass a combination of skills, knowledge, behaviors, and that individuals can use to achieve a goal or task. 

People: What individuals or groups need to be involved in the decision-making and implementation process? 

  • Decide if a committee will be assembled to help approve, manage, and enforce the guidelines set in the governance policy. 
  • Executive sponsorship is an essential piece to a successful credential program. What leadership teams can help support this initiative? 
  • Define roles and responsibilities.

Once these preliminary elements are defined, your institution is ready to launch a credentialing program. Utilize our Governance policy planning template to start this process. 

Contact your Customer Success Manager to hear more about our consulting and training services if you need more assistance creating a governance policy for your credentialing program.