API: Getting user file storage data out of Canvas

Community Contributor

Hi All,

We recently integrated Kaltura with our instance of Canvas and wanted to identify users, groups and courses that had a high storage utilization. The last item has a report but the first two do not. The idea is that most large files are likely video files, which we would like to encourage our users to migrate into Kaltura to avoid hitting our overall Canvas space limits and to increase adoption of Kaltura.

User file quota data is available via the API so I developed the attached script in Node.js for the user data. It uses a users provisioning report to generate a new CSV listing a total for files for each user. I wrote the script in Node.js because I haven't learned Python yet. I would be curios to find out if anyone else is using Node in a similar fashion and whether any Node developers out there see any issues or inefficiencies with the script/approach. 

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