Canvas Admin Course Search and Admin Flyout Menu Enhancements

Community Participant

I recently updated my Canvas LMS Mods (Basic) Chrome extension to provide some new enhancements to the course search and admin flyout menu.

In the course search, I have added the following enhancements:

  • Adding a select menu to search for courses based on their published state (published only, unpublished only, both [default]).
  • Adding a button to sort by the Canvas course ID. This can be helpful if you are trying to find and/or audit the most recently created courses.
  • Showing the course code under the course name in the search results.
  • Adding a lock icon before the course name, if the course is concluded.
  • Converting the number of students to a link to People in the course.
  • Adding a link to the gradebook under the number of students.
  • Converting the subaccount name to a link to that subaccount, if the admin has the manage settings permission in the current account.

Course search view with enhancements activeCourse search view with enhancements active


In the admin flyout menu, I have added some enhancements based on an older idea I saw in the community:

  • A select menu is loaded when opened with accounts accessible by the admin user.
    • It will load in all of the manageable accounts for the admin.
    • If there are no accounts returned from the manageable accounts' endpoint, then it will fall back to just the accounts the admin has access to view.
    • The account that is selected will be used as the account for each of the searches/buttons below it.
  • A course search section is loaded.
    • The terms are loaded into a select menu.
    • The native search options are included along with the enhanced search options that I have added on the course search page.
  • A people search section is loaded.
    • The course roles are loaded into a select menu.
    • An input for the search term is included.
  • Additional buttons for the following:
    • Admin tools
    • Account reports

Admin flyout menu account selectAdmin flyout menu account select

Admin flyout menu term selectAdmin flyout menu term select

Admin flyout menu course searchAdmin flyout menu course search

Admin flyout menu people search and buttonsAdmin flyout menu people search and buttons

You can view the code for the Chrome extension in the GitHub repository. The JavaScript for the enhancements can be found in the following:

If you use the Chrome extension, you can use the extension options to disable features you don't need or may not be fully functional with your instance.  I appreciate any feedback you have and will do my best to resolve bugs in a timely manner.