Fun with Canvas in a VM and using custom data to keep track of a student's program of study

Community Champion

In conjunction with experiments concerning using an LTI interface to realize a dynamic quiz, I built a version of Canvas that could run in a Virtual Machine (specifically an image that could be run by VirtualBox).

Advantages of this approach include:

  • easy to try things without any risk to the real Canvas infrastructures
  • easy to give an OVA image of the VM to students

The image was built using an ubuntu version of linux by following the Quick Start instructions at

Details of the operation of the different containers that comprise this system will be described in a forthcoming Bachelor's thesis.

I should note that when I do the docker-compose to bring up the Canvas instance, it takes a very long time.

In order to do some experiments with the dynamic quiz, I created some fake users and enrolled them in a course. Additionally, since one of the things that I would like the dynamic quiz to exploit is knowledge of what program of study these users are in I augments the user's custom data with details of what program they are in.

The initial version of the program ( can be found at .

The result is a course with a set of fake users as can be seen in the list of user's in this course:

List of users in the course

An example of fake program data is:

custom data for user Ann FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CINTE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology', 'start': 2016}]}}

Some further details about the above can be found at Creating fake users and enrolling them into a course: Chip sandbox