Grab a list of users who have passed assignments
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I've just begun playing with api's and powershell and I think I've managed to wrap my head around the basics. I'm just really stuck with the pagination of canvas. I can pull 50 submissions from a course and filter out all bar the passes - which is what I'm interested in. But I can't get it to wrap to the next page, I think it's going to be using the while function but I don't know what to put in it as the condition or the statement. Does anyone have any idea what I need to add to it?
This is what I have so far:
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
$uri = “”
$my_page = ((Invoke-WebRequest -headers $headers -uri "$uri/courses/547/students/submissions?student_ids[]=all&workflow_state=graded&sort=id&per_page=50.json").content | convertfrom-json) | Where-Object -property grade -eq "Pass"
$my_page | Select-Object -property id, grade, user_id, assignment_id
I'm also aware this may not be the best approach to grab a list of all users and grades on a course - if not what way should I approach it?