Guidance on Creating a Custom Tool Consumer Profile (TCP) for Plagiarism Detection Platform

Community Member

Hello Canvas Developers,

I'm currently working on integrating a plagiarism detection platform with Canvas LMS and need some guidance regarding the Tool Consumer Profile (TCP).

Specifically, I want to know:

  1. Do I need to create a custom TCP and host it on my server and then connect it with my tool proxy?
  2. Is it possible to create a TCP with restricted capabilities and services, such as:
    • Adding the Canvas.placements.similarityDetection capability to the Tool Profile’s Resource Handler enabled capabilities.
    • Adding the vnd.Canvas.OriginalityReport service to the Tool Proxy’s Security Contract.
    • Adding the Security.splitSecret capability to the Tool Proxy’s enabled capabilities.
  3. How can I register my tool proxy to utilize these capabilities and services effectively?

I'm using this documentation as reference point of implementing my tool but there is almost none information about custom TCP, and I'm facing the issue of invalid capabilities and services.

Any insights or examples of similar integrations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!