How to Post Grades Privately to Tutors to review and post manually for Below-Average Scores via API?

Community Novice

Currently, we are integrating our application with the Canvas API to manage student assessments and feedback. However, we have encountered a specific need that we cannot fulfill with the functionalities currently available in the Canvas API.

In our evaluation process, when a student receives a below-average grade, we would like the grade and feedback to be visible only to the responsible tutor, allowing for a review before the student gains access to them.

Other LMS platforms we have integrated with have functionalities that allow posting grades in a way that only tutors can see the initial feedback when the grade is below a certain threshold.

We have identified that Canvas has the "moderated grading" feature and the option to post grades manually. However, these functionalities affect all students indiscriminately, even those who have received good grades. This requires the tutor to manually post all grades, which is not desired. We need the tutor to review and post grades only for students who received below-average grades, while other students can see their grades and comments automatically.

We would like to know if there is any other approach within the Canvas API that can meet this need. Specifically, is it possible to change the workflow_state to pending_review or set the posted_at to null, but only for an individual submission and not for all submissions of the same assignment?

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