LTI 1.3 problem. Submission Type Placement modal doesn't close after successful deep linking

Community Member

Context:  I'm developing a LTI 1.3 tool that runs inside of Canvas. The placement is the "Submission Type Placement". I do not have this problem when running canvas locally in docker (canvas.docker). I'm running into this problem on a remote instance of canvas (

Expected Behavior: After successfully deep linking content in the submission type placement, canvas will close the modal.

Actual Behavior: After successfully deep linking the modal remain open indefinitely.

When I close the modal when it says "Retrieving Content" and save the assignment, the expected content is shown when viewing the assignment. The only problem is that modal never closes even though the deep linking is successful. The responses in the network tab look okay.

Is this problem with my LTI provider app or the Canvas instance my app is running inside of.

Any theories or things I should do would help. Thanks.


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