LTI Advantage Score submission returns a 422 Error: The maximum number of allowed attempts has been reached for this submission


When I submit POST /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:line_item_id/scores

Instead of allowing us to score the submission I receive a 422 error 

The maximum number of allowed attempts has been reached for this submission

Please note we are not attempting to submit another attempt. We are just attempting to score the previous submission. I believe this is a bug in Canvas where it is counting a score attempt as a submission attempt. Has anyone had a similar issue?

The body of our request looks like: 

    "userId": "redacted",
    "comment": null,
    "timestamp": "2023-10-16T21:08:25.972Z",
    "scoreGiven": 87.5,
    "scoreMaximum": 100,
    "gradingProgress": "FullyGraded",
    "activityProgress": "Completed"