Ready Made Canvas Templates - Github

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Hello Smiley Happy  

I have started to design ready-made canvas design templates for courses. This project I have started as an Open-Source code under MIT (which means free). and anyone can use this. I would love to hear your feedback/suggestions.

The cool thing about this project is Zero Dependency - (No need to include any and CSS or js files into your canvas instance)


My Github Project: Click Here - CanvasLMSDesigns

Don't forget to check the demo Smiley Happy 



  • Zero Dependency - (No need to include any and CSS or js files into your canvas instance)
  • Compatible with Canvas LMS editor

How to use

  • Go to this file - Design-1/index.html - Click here
  • Copy index.html HTML codes
  • Paste into the Canvas LMS editor



This is my first design