Setting user-observer pairing via upload or API with an active SIS integration

Community Member

Prior to our sync to Aspire (Utah's SIS system) I was able to upload a file via SIS uploads or use the API to pair success coaches with their students as observers. 
However, since the integration when I run it in test it generates duplicate users in a observer/user paring instead of paring existing users. 
I've checked the documentation and tried the git hub solutions, I'm using a downloaded file to ensure the ID's are exactly correct, and the formatting doesn't give me any errors. The API executes successfully without errors. I am able to perform other operations on existing users, like password resets, without issue. 
No matter what I try, I can't get it to pair the existing users instead of generating new ones. 
I do have my old documentation in a SOP, so I'm nearly positive I"m doing the exact same thing I did pre sync, but I can't be 100% sure as this is really a once a year thing. 
Generating code via the API works great, and we use this for parents but it would be overwhelming to pair the coaches with students 1 by 1. 
Suggestions? Even ideas about what to add to logging to troubleshoot would be helpful. 


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