Using grade passback with multiple Canvas assignments

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I've developed a tool that can be used as an external tool in Canvas. The way it works is, instructors create a quiz in my tool, embed this quiz in Canvas using the External Tool feature, then students can make a submission on this quiz.

I'm running to a problem here. If a student makes a submission on assignment A, then assignment B, their score for assignment B overwrites their assignment A score. And in the Assignments list, Canvas still has a null score for assignment B.

Is there something I need to pass in to Canvas that I'm missing? By the way, I'm using this django library for the LTI connection: GitHub - ccnmtl/django-lti-provider: django-lti-provider adds LTI functionality for the Django web f... 

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1 Solution
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Thanks for your help. I think I've actually solved this problem, thanks to help from my co-worker, who actually developed this django-lti-provider library. We'll be making a new release soon that addresses this issue.

The issue is that our library saves the original lis_result_sourcedid value in the session, then re-uses that when the student goes to the new assignment. The fix is just to re-initialize the authentication process each time the student views the assignment.

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