Validation failed: Hide in gradebook is not included in the list

Community Explorer


I'm getting the following error from some of my users when they try to use the API to update their assignment:

{"hide_in_gradebook":[{"attribute":"hide_in_gradebook","type":"inclusion","message":"inclusion"},{"attribute":"hide_in_gradebook","type":"inclusion","message":"inclusion"}],"invalid_record":[{"attribute":"invalid_record","type":"Validation failed: Hide in gradebook is not included in the list, Hide in gradebook is not included in the list","message":"Validation failed: Hide in gradebook is not included in the list, Hide in gradebook is not included in the list"}]}'

I'm a little confused by this since the API documentation says that this field is optional:

From the docs (😞

 // (Optional) If true, the assignment will not be shown in any gradebooks
  "hide_in_gradebook": true,

Regardless, I explicitly added the hide_in_gradebook key before I posted to Canvas as can be seen from my function below:

public function updateAssignment(int $course_id, int $assignment_id, $assignment_info): array
$lms_access_token = $this->_updateAccessToken();
$url = "/api/v1/courses/$course_id/assignments/$assignment_id";
$data = [];
if (isset($assignment_info['name'])) {
$data['assignment[name]'] = $this->addADAPT($assignment_info['name']);
if (isset($assignment_info['instructions'])) {
$data['assignment[description]'] = $assignment_info['instructions'];
if (isset($assignment_info['total_points'])) {
$data['assignment[points_possible]'] = $assignment_info['total_points'];

if (isset($assignment_info['lms_assignment_group_id'])) {
$data['assignment[assignment_group_id]'] = $assignment_info['lms_assignment_group_id'];
if (isset($assignment_info['position'])) {
$data['assignment[position]'] = $assignment_info['position'];
if (isset($assignment_info['unlock_at'])) {
$data['assignment[unlock_at]'] = $assignment_info['unlock_at'];
if (isset($assignment_info['due_at'])) {
$data['assignment[due_at]'] = $assignment_info['due_at'];
if (isset($assignment_info['shown'])) {
$data['assignment[published]'] = $assignment_info['shown'];
$data['assignment[hide_in_gradebook]'] = false;
return $this->_doCurl($lms_access_token->access_token, 'PUT', $url, $data);


However, I'm still getting the error.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

