2020 Course Design Essentials: Accessibility Clips, Tips, & Tricks...Oh My!


February Teacher Appreciation Event: Accessibility Clips, Tips, & Tricks...Oh My!

What’s Included in This Post?
• About our event
• Accessibility screencasts, documents, and additional resources to start you on your journey!


We are Instructure’s Instructional Design Team! More specifically, we are @kristen_anderse,  @tiffany_foster,  @mmetallo, laurie.norris,Lily Philips, and  @psanchez1. Between the six of us, we have over 36 years of Canvas experience! Within Canvas, we have been students, teachers, admins, trainers, and instructional designers. We have created fully online, hybrid/blended, and face-to-face courses for learners ranging from preschool through post-secondary and everything in between.

Why Are We Launching This Event?

We utilize the Canvas Community on a regular basis to position instructional design resources! We understand the impact and power of the Instructional Designers' space within the Community and want to give back. We are excited to collaborate and share tips and tricks about our Canvas Design Best Practices.   

About This Month's Event

The Canvas Instructional Design Team is excited to share accessibility clips, tips and tricks for our February Teacher Appreciation Event.  Our team values creating quality courses that are accessible to learners with diverse abilities. While it is not only the right thing to do, applying accessibility best practices also meet requirements laid out by federal and state laws.  Knowing where to begin can be challenging. To help you get started creating accessible content, we have compiled a variety of resources.  

Accessibility Overview & Best Practices

Canvas-ability: Accessible Content in Canvas is a six-minute screencast that dives into designing with high color contrast, segmenting content with proper heading structure, and writing descriptive hyperlinks.


Meeting Accessibility in Your Canvas Course: Recommendations and Resources is a document that provides accessibility best practices for layout and design, images, videos, and documents.  


Additional Resources


Final Thoughts


Now that you have dived into awesome resources, show off your accessibility knowledge by entering our Accessibility Kahoot ContestThis contest will be open, to the first 100 participants, from February 20th through 22nd. The top three participants on the leaderboard at the close of the contest will receive Amazon gift cards. We look forward to seeing you battle it out for the top spots.


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!


Our Instructional Design team offers templates, consultation, badging services, course evaluations, workshops, and more. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or @deonne_johnson, Manager, Learning Services, via djohnson@instructure.com