Canvas Pages vs Canvas Modules


    Official Canvas Document

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Canvas PagesCanvas Modules

Home Page

Collaboration/Wiki Page

Content Page

Resource Page

Structure of your Course

Control Access to Content (by date, Pre-Requisite or/and Order)

Set Completion Criteria

Things to Consider:

  • What type of class are you teaching?

Is it fully online? Is it blended or flipped classroom? The way you are using Canvas will determine what you want students to see first.

  • How flexible is your course design?

Do you have a mandated home page from your institution, if so, that will need to be followed.

  • Is your course mobile-friendly?

Keep in mind students may be accessing your course through the Canvas Mobile App.  When they click on your course, the home page layout is the first thing they will see.  Make sure it provides enough information and direction for students.

  • Is there duplication between your home page layout and course navigation?

Think about what you link on your home page and what you have available to students in your course navigation.  Allowing students multiple access to course content can be good, but duplication may end up creating a busy design.

Things to Know:

  • Modules allow you to organize your content to help control the flow of your course.
  • You can add files, pages, assignments, discussions, quizzes, text headers, and external URLs to modules to help create a logical progression.
  • Modules can be organized by topics, weeks, units… anyway you prefer.
  • When you set requirements and progression through modules in sequential order you can “View Progress” of your students and help them when they fall behind.
  • By setting a requirement of “score at least” on an assignment, discussion or quiz if a student does not obtain that score it will send the assessment back to the students’ “To Do” list.

Helpful Hint: Modules will setup the pace and structure of your Units, Lessons, Weeks.  Pages will personalize and make the course attractive.