A Canvas Thanksgiving

Community Champion

Since Thanksgiving is coming soon, I thought I would share a feature in Canvas for which I am thankful (& perhaps the Community team will see fit to make this a mission/badge for November :smileylaugh: ).

Over the weekend, I had a student in one of my courses take his final exam. Monday morning I came into the office to see that he had sent me a message that none of his answers had taken for the essay exam. He had actually sent me an earlier message saying that he had answered 2 of the 3 essays but the first one wasn't taking for some reason so he messaged me his answer to the first essay question.

In our previous LMS, the student simply would have had to take the exam over again. However, I thought I would check the student's Quiz Log. In the Quiz Log, you are actually able to click on the student's answers.  Lo and behold, I was able to recover the student's other 2 essay question answers.  I confirmed with the student that the answers were complete.  Since I'm also our Canvas admin, I went in and gave the student an extra attempt at the exam then masqueraded as him so that I could copy and paste his answers into the exam so that his answers would all be together in the exam, be able to take advantage of Speedgrader, and if anybody came back asking about it years later, wouldn't have to go through this convoluted explanation.

I am extremely thankful for the Quiz Log feature, the autosave feature in Quizzes, and whatever Canvas uses to capture the student's keystrokes. This saved a lot of heartache on the student's part and made me so thankful that we are using Canvas which has such wonderful features and technology to make issues like this less of a headache for everyone involved.

Thank you, Instructure!

P.S. - I would encourage everybody to make sure they have the "Quiz Log Auditing" feature option enabled for such times as this.

Community Team
Community Team

This is a great story  @canvas_admin ​!  Thank you for sharing and I'm glad it all worked out!  I bet the student was very thankful as well!

Community Champion

Thanks  @Renee_Carney ​!  Feel free to use this in marketing as a selling point for Canvas. :smileygrin:

Community Coach
Community Coach

We have this feature turned on and use it all the time!! It has been VERY powerful in helping better serve our students (and faculty)! Definitely something to be thankful about!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for sharing this,  @canvas_admin ​! You sent me running to my course and account settings to make sure Quiz Log Auditing was indeed enabled...and so it is. Smiley Happy

Community Member

coach-32x32.jpg I hope a can get a college degree since I'm in 6th grade