Streaming CanvasLIVE Events in Global Announcements

Community Coach
Community Coach

Each Monday I post a Global Announcement listing the up-coming CanvasLIVE sessions that are happening for that week.  I have noticed over the past few weeks that several CanvasLIVE events are being streamed over YouTube.  This got me thinking yesterday...  Can I embed a streaming CanvasLIVE event using the YouTube LTI in a Global Announcement?  The answer...yes!

(This may work for other non-YouTube websites...though I've never YMMV.)

  1. Make sure the YouTube LTI is added at the account level of your Canvas instance.
  2. Go to a CanvasLIVE event page such as Google LTI Series: Accessing Your Assets 
  3. Navigate to the YouTube link given for the event, and then highlight/copy the title.
  4. When creating your Global Announcement in the back-end admin pages of Canvas, select the YouTube button in the RCE, and paste in the YouTube title (or I believe you can even paste in the YouTube URL) in the search box.
  5. Embed the YouTube video on your announcement.

You may want to include a note along with your announcement that users will need to click on the "Play" button for the video in order to start watching.  Also, after the session is over, the recordings are immediately available via the same YouTube URL.  Since I just started trying this yesterday, I set the global announcement to display five minutes prior to the start of the CanvasLIVE session and then end 15 minutes after the scheduled time ... in case the session runs over the scheduled time.