The Canvas Podcast - June 12 2015

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello all,

The second session of The Canvas Podcast will be this Friday, June 12th at 3pm MST, 6pm EDT, 10pm UTC.

As always, anyone is welcome to participate. You will need a Google account for connecting to the Hangout.

Main goal for this session is to get a recording to test editing process and hosting solutions.

Main topic will be InstructureCon 2015. For more information check out the Google Doc for this session here.

Attendees I have listed to invite:

 @PSU_Tony ​

 @dwillmore ​ - still need Google Hangout info

 @tyler_clair ​


 @wbreitbach ​ - still need Google Hangout info

If you want to be invited to the Hangout post your Google+ info in a comment or send me a message.