The Canvas Podcast - June 18 2015 (InstructureCon 2015)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Let's get together and talk about the conference. Here are the details.

The Canvas Podcast - InstructureCon 2015 Edition

Time / Date / Place

Thursday, June 18th, 3:45pm - Whenever (Park City Time)

Red Tail Restaurant in the Grand Summit Hotel

Pre-Show Discussion

  • review of existing discussion from 06/05/2015
  • new content ideas from Deactivated user​ ?
  • discuss duration, 30mins? random?

Topics of Discussion:

Any interesting travel stories?

Any interesting non-conference activities while in the area?

What are you favorite sessions so far and why?

Did you present? How was it?

First time thoughts? Thoughts on this year vs other years?

Recording Posted: Episode 0.2 by The Canvas Podcast