Think and then Think Some More

Community Team
Community Team

What was your biggest takeaway?

Think and reflect.


I feel that the "reflect" takeaway is an ongoing theme with my blogs in the Canvas Community. However, it's one of those practices that is incredibly valuable but I almost have to schedule it... When it comes to courses that students actively visit via their iPad or smartphone, I think that there's even more encouragement to constantly look for ways to improve my use of Canvas.


Yes. Perfection isn't a reasonable goal. With that in mind, I think it's absolutely okay to make constant evaluation part of my teaching routine. Just because something worked last year, doesn't mean that it's the best I can do now or that a process will work in the same way for students this year. (Wink wink: Mobile Update - Summer 2019!‌) Technology is constantly evolving, and I think I should take that and make my teaching/design process grow too!


Stay connected. Ask questions. Collaborate. Canvas Mobile Users Group‌ and Release Notes: Mobile‌ have amazing content and incredible people waiting to help all of us on our instructional journeys, no matter our role. 



Is there a tip you are able to (or plan to) apply to your work in the future? How will it help you overall?

Refer to the Course Evaluation Checklist‌ and the Mobile Course Evaluation Checklist‌ throughout the term. Ask colleagues or supervisors to take a look at your courses. I know that sometimes it's that new set of eyes that catches something you've "accepted" for who knows how long. Even if it's frustrating to experience that "why did I think of that?!" moment, it's learning. Some of my most successful course designs are results of getting feedback from someone I respect (or a group of students!) and then trying a few things...before I get to a result that works.



Do you have follow-up questions for CMUG members?

As a teacher, what's your process for evaluating courses before you publish for students?

As a technology coach or Canvas admin, how do you increase curiosity about (mobile) course design in general?





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