[ARCHIVED] Canvas Teacher Modules is Available

Community Champion

The most requested feature for the Canvas Teacher app, Module access, is now available in the Canvas Teacher app 1.8 for Android and iOS. 

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The first implementation of modules is fairly straightforward, as discussed in the latest update by Canvas Mobile PM, Peyton Craighill...

Editing the module progression is significantly more complex because of features like mastery paths and module item prerequisites, and it also seems like a task more aligned with course creation rather than course facilitation, so that won’t be included in this release. Instead, if you like navigating your course via modules, you can do that!

So, in summary...

What is available. 

  • View and quickly access all items in a module
  • View published state of each item
  • View structure (order, indents, and content headers)
  • View all modules on one page which includes support for collapsing modules

What's not available.

  • Changing the published state of module, content headers, or URLs. (You can adjust the published state of assignments, pages, and files by accessing them directly through the module). 
  • Reorder module items
  • Add module items
  • Edit or delete any items
  • View module prerequisites and requirements

Have you tried modules yet? If so, what do you think? Hope this helps and Mobile On! 

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