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Does the student who is marked absent (and who is using the Canvas app with alerts enabled) immediately get an alert that they have just been marked absent?  I teach a 6-hour series of Saturday classes and it seems like as soon as I take roll about 2...

  • 2 Replies

We run custom CSS and JS in our middle school for a customized grading scheme. For the most part this works very well on the web view. More parents are requesting use of the mobile apps, so I am looking at implementing the same code on the mobile app...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I am a student at California state university - Los  Angeles (Cal State LA). I have downloaded canvas app on my iPhone but when I click on find your school, Cal state LA is not showing up.I have an android app as well it is working properly. I as...

  • 4 Replies

I posted a quiz on canvas with embedded pictures, but the students cannot see the photos when they view the quiz in the canvas app.

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I am unable to download the Canvas student app on my Samsung Galaxy note 8.0 (bought in 2013). In fact in the play store the app is not even displayed. Is this because the android system is too old? I urgently need it for my classes so any help w...

  • 6 Replies

Is there a way to delete old messages in my To Do notifications. Example, I have a student who received a complete grade, but I am still getting notices for it as if it were not graded. This appears when I use the Canvas Teaching App.

  • 2 Replies

Mobile app.  Why am I not able to remove items from my "TO DO " List on the mobile app.  If I delete a complete assignment,  the app auto refreshes and the assignment reappears.  Please advise 

  • 1 Replies

Ever since the new IOS update I haven’t been able to upload any assignments into canvas, so just now I deleted and redownloaded the app, however now when I put the little url for my school (so I can sign into my account) it only shows a blank page. H...

  • 1 Replies

We've had many parents tell us they are not getting any announcements we put out to our classes in the parent app. It seems they can only see if their child has turned in assignments. Is there someway to make sure parents see our announcements on the...

  • 11 Replies

Hello, I manage several sub-accounts and want to make the themes on the mobile app consistent with those on the web.  As of right now I have adjusted the theme using the theme editor which looks great on the web however all of the sub-accounts are st...

  • 6 Replies

Is there a lag between when a teacher updates the grade and when the parent app syncs with it?  I've had a few teachers report that the grade shown in the course is not the same as the grade that shows in the Parent app.  It seems to be the same now ...

  • 1 Replies

how do I recover my password on the canvas app?

  • 1 Replies

How does a student set reminders using the student app?  I see this feature in the parent app, but not in the student app. #studentreminders 

  • 1 Replies

The to do list on canvas mobile wont let you “done” something so the to do list is backed up. The only way it goes away is if something is turned in on the assignment but not every assignment requires something to turn on. How can I fix this?

  • 2 Replies

Recently my school’s canvas hasn’t allowed us to swipe over any items on the to-do list unless something is submitted to them. This has messed up my personal work with homework and tests because I can’t tell what is done versus what isn’t if everythi...

  • 2 Replies

Its been more than a year and I have not being able to log into my Florida Tech (Florida Institute of Technology) account utilizing the Canvas app (Student).  Every time I look for my school and I am directed to the Canvas Learnin...

  • 1 Replies

Hello:I’ve been experiencing crashes when ever trying to use the grading features on my iPad in the Teacher app since the iOS13 update. Any news on when an update to Teacher will be available?Thanks

  • 2 Replies

Is the a "treat ungraded as 0" option within the Canvas Teacher app to mimic this option within the full version?  Thanks!

  • 4 Replies

Since the latest update, the app crashes every time I try to put a comment on a paper in SpeedGrader. I tried using the “Report a Problem” feature in the app, but that just went to my local administrator, who told me they were unable to address the p...

  • 5 Replies

I've tried searching for the iPad app today (10/15/19) to no avail. Has it been removed?

  • 2 Replies

I completed an assignment for a class that I submitted, the grade is in the course, but it still appears on my to-do list and says it has not been submitted. How do I fix this? Is anyone else having this issue? Even when I try to mark it as "done," i...

  • 4 Replies

Hi. In my notifications on my phone, I have different assignments that show up, but when I go on the actual canvas through the website, I'm not sure how to pull up those same notifications. It says I have no notifications. How do I view assignments t...

  • 1 Replies

I had my students answer their midterm exam questions on Canvas through the Quiz function.  Rather than write their exam on a separate document and upload their responses, they wrote it on the Canvas site.  When I go to grade them on my iPad using my...

  • 10 Replies
  • 3 Replies

Does anyone know why the papers (switching between a paper of one student to the next) is so slow on iPad in the teacher app? I seem to be able to move quickly through the papers on the computer but on the iPad it loads very slowly after I select the...

  • 7 Replies

Recently, my push notifications on my android phone stopped working and they previously worked. When they worked my phone was always on battery power save mode and all notifications popped up; so i know that is not the issue. Since they've stopped wo...

  • 7 Replies

When I am grading assignments on my iPad in the Canvas Teacher app, I can seemingly use all the functions (the pencil, eraser, highlighter), however, now when I try to make a comment the Canvas Teacher App shuts down.  This has happened at least 15 t...

  • 8 Replies

Are you able to have the rubric specifics available on the app and not just the web version?  My kids have iPads and mostly use the app and I would like them to see specifics on the app and not have to go log into the website...

  • 1 Replies

When I am in the Canvas app on my ipad, in a class, in a module, in an assignment, several clicks deep and then switch to a different app, like Word to work on an assignment, or OneNote to take notes on something, and then switch back to Canvas, Canv...

  • 4 Replies

Students are reporting that the Canvas App is crashing when accessing it via an ipad. Is anyone else having this issue?I'd like to submit a ticket of some sort to help resolve this issue. 

  • 9 Replies