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Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 7.5)

Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 7.5)

In Canvas Student 7.5.1, Video media, including Canvas Studio media, can be played in full-screen or in picture-in-picture mode on iOS 17. The calendar has various user interface updates. Additionally, Offline mode includes the availability of Announcement and Discussion images and attachments.

Canvas iOS app version updates are distributed in a phased rollout, which distributes the update to all users enrolled in automatic updates over time. The features in these notes may not immediately be available, but iOS users can manually update the app at any time in the iTunes Store. The Canvas Student iOS App requires iOS 15.0 or later.

New Features

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Full Screen and Picture-in-Picture Video Playback

Video media, including Studio, can be played in full-screen and picture-in-picture playback modes on devices with iOS 17 or higher allowing flexibility for listening to content in various situations when the app is closed such as driving. Additionally, captions display in full-screen mode.

Related Idea: [Studio] Videos should be embedded in the App (not point to an external link)

Video Full Screen IconVideo Full Screen Icon

To view a video in full-screen playback, tap the Full-Screen icon on the video player.

 Picture in Picture IconPicture in Picture Icon


From full-screen playback, picture-in-picture playback can be entered by selecting the Picture-in-Picture icon [1].

 Picture in Picture ModePicture in Picture Mode

 When using picture-in-picture video playback, users can continue to navigate through the Canvas app.

Note: Tap and drag the picture-in-picture to rearrange the location.

Updated Features

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Calendar Filter and Interface Update

The Calendar page interface is improved with minor color updates. The Calendar filter is updated to include group calendars.  Additionally, the color of the checkbox for selected courses is updated to match the course color.

Related Idea: [Mobile - Canvas Student] Student App Calendar should include events from Groups (Course groups and...

 Calendar InterfaceCalendar Interface

The Calendar page interface is improved with minor color updates.

 Group Calendar SectionGroup Calendar Section

Group calendars are included in the filter [1]. Additionally, course checkboxes are updated to match the course color and a Deselect all link is added [2].

Note: Canvas will assign an arbitrary color for each calendar unless a custom color is chosen.


Offline Mode

Announcement and Discussion Images and Attachments Available

When using offline mode, images and attachments are available in Announcements and Discussions redesign. This change enables the use of offline for new/redesigned discussions and Announcements.

Related Idea: [Canvas Mobile] Offline Access Within the Student App

Change Log


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