API Rate Limits

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Community Novice

I need an recommendation / solution.


When making Canvas API calls for one partner/customer, if the partner has 20K students (or more), we make 20K API calls to get each student’s LMS record.  Randomly, but often, we get “Unauthorized” and “Forbidden” response messages from the API calls.  And based on my research, it is because of API Rate Limiting that Canvas enforces (https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-8381-api-rate-limiting).


What is the best way to call the APIs if I want to get the LMS record for every student, for a given partner, in our database?

The end-game is to be able to successfully make a Canvas API call for every student in our database, for a given partner, in one thread.

1 Solution
Community Champion


You asked this same question in the Canvas Developer's group, which is where it should go. I responded there: API Rate Limiting 

In the current Community software, you only have to ask a question once and then you can share it with other groups. I'm not sure how that will work later in July when we switch to new software.

The Community Managers will probably do something so that the question only lives and gets answers in one place. It makes it easier for people to track and follow that way.

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