[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Campus Pack - future?

Community Champion

hi everyone!

We've been a Campus Pack journal/blog/wiki user since Blackboard days and have been using it with Canvas the past few years. They (Learning Objects) were bought by Cengage Learning a while ago now. There has been zero update to the base Campus Pack tools since the last interface update (~2 year ago?) which we saw as just a facelift not more functionality. Last year at a few conferences there were Learning Objects/Cengage people and in all instances they had zero insight into future development/updates to Campus Pack. They actually knew nothing about it besides that it existed as part of the company portfolio! No info at all.

Campus Pack users --- what are your thoughts to the future of Campus Pack? With no real updates in such a long time, it feels like the service might be going the way of deprecation. Does anyone have any other insight or information?

What other tools might you be looking at to fill the same needs? For us - it's really about the Journal and the easy ability to blog (private or group).

Thoughts? Let's all share!

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